Coming June 23! Municipal Blondes

Computer forensics detective Deb Riley has been cut loose to continue the work of her partner, Dag Hamar. He sent her to get the code from a dead man’s tattoo. He told her she needed to crack the encryption on Simon’s thumb drive. He told her he loved her.
And then he died.
Now Deb finds she is in possession of something everyone wants. There’s Jordan Grant from FinCEN. There’s Simon’s wife, the Muffin Top. And there is the mysterious “Committee” who seem to be willing to do anything to stop Deb from cracking the encryption and revealing the drive’s contents.
Including kill her.
Enter the world of Deb Riley, code breaker, detective, and master of disguise, as she races into the heart of the mystery and risks discovery or worse in Seattle, Belize, and Croatia. She has Dag’s reputation to live up to.
Have you read For Blood or Money?
Computer forensics detectives Dag Hamar and Deb Riley discover secret files and hidden code can be as dangerous as dark alleys and flying bullets as they track a missing man and the billion-dollar fortune that went with him. Oh. Did I mention the missing man stole Dag’s wife, too? Fourteen years after For Money or Mayhem.