Who is Nathan Everett???
Author Nathan Everett
Billy Joel sang, “Closed the shop, sold the house, bought a ticket to the West Coast.” (“My Life” 1978, 52nd Street album)
Peripatetic author Nathan Everett joined the ranks of digital nomads in 2013, five years after publishing his first novel. He travels the country seeking out new stories and penning new tales. “I woke up one morning with an epiphany: I could do this from anywhere! So why was I doing it from a basement in Bellevue?” Nathan says.
Whether driving through mountains or across the Great Plains, there is a story just outside the window. His time on the road has taken him through forty-six states, three Canadian provinces, and sixteen other countries. As a pioneer in desktop publishing, Nathan became a trainer, including researching and teaching publication design and the history of printing. A refugee from a high tech/high stress career developing digital content, eBooks, and publishing technology, he now writes in a variety of genres focusing on mainstream fiction and thrillers. Both his writing and his designs have won multiple awards.
Nathan’s blog, First Exit, is followed by those who will read social commentary as long as there are pretty pictures of the places he travels.
Most of his career was focused on non-fiction publishing, beginning with his first company, The Wordsmythe in the late ’70s. In 2007 he was a founding principal in the boutique publishing house, Long Tale Press. After acquiring the assets of Long Tale, he founded Elder Road Books in 2009 and published some two dozen books for several authors in the ensuing years. Having reached the age of retirement, he has divested himself of most of the works of other authors but continues to publish his own work, edit manuscripts for other authors, and design both fiction and non-fiction books.
Nathan also writes adult romance and adventure stories and has forty books available under the name Devon Layne.