Steven George & The Dragon

Once upon a time, there was a dragonslayer named Steven George. When Steven is sent by his village to slay the fearsome beast, he suddenly realizes that he doesn’t know what a dragon looks like, where it lives, or how to slay it. But Steven’s village has fostered the talent of telling tales. Steven trades once-upon-a-times with the people he meets along the way and each remarkable story leads him a step closer to understanding the true meaning of his quest.
If all that looks like a dragon may not be a dragon, then it follows that all that is a dragon may not look like a dragon.
Steven travels the endless road, journeying for a time with a melon farmer, a village idiot, a tinker, a woodcutter, a company of knights, a merchant, a thief, and a gypsy. Thinking he has lost his way and nearing despair, he discovers that all roads lead to the dragon.